Eight Days Shy: A Poem

Eight Days Shy: A Poem

In the summer of 2007, eight days shy,

Before her birthday, under sunlit sky, 

Her father and she, by the water's gleam,

Sharing moments like a cherished dream,

She wore a jean skirt, a fashion delight.   


The day before the Fourth of July's grand display,

A celebration of freedom, not far away, 

With fireworks to come and stars to ignite, 

They cast their lines under the summer's light. 


Amidst the ripples of water, so green, 

In nature's haven, a tranquil scene,

With each cast, a ripple of time, 

In harmony with nature's rhyme. 


Not a fish remembered, nor a catch to boast,

Yet, in her heart memories engrossed,

For it wasn't the fish, but the bond she found,

In nature's sanctuary, so profound.


Eight days before her birthday's cheer, 

In that moment, so crystal clear,

Bonded with laughter shared, 

In nature's embrace, they were there. 


Now, looking back, she couldn't foresee, 

The simplicity of those moments, free, 

She would have never guessed, somehow, 

How sweet it'd be, to live in the now. 


-Blaine Ford


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